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Timely Assessment

Understanding the health and well-being of your campus is critical to success. This assessment takes a closer look at the opportunities where healthcare resources could be optimized to improve student outcomes, engagement, and retention.

Let's get a better understanding of the possible barriers to success for your students.

Timely Assessment

Student performance and health go hand-in-hand. In 2020, 33% of undergrad students considered dropping out with 42% citing emotional stress as a primary reason.

How would you rate your students' overall engagement in academic, extracurricular and social aspects of campus life?

[Source: Gallup]

Timely Assessment

Schools play a key role in helping students develop their health and well-being. Unfortunately, 82% of college students continue to say they experience increased stress and/or anxiety.

How would you rate your students' overall health and well-being?

[Source: ACHA, TimelyMD]

Timely Assessment

Even before the pandemic there was a substantial gap in graduation rates between students of color and white students. While 62% of white students graduate with a degree or certificate within six years, only 38% of Black and 46% of Latino students graduate in the same amount of time.

To what extent do you understand the health and well-being needs of students with diverse backgrounds?

[Source: National Student Clearinghouse Research Center]

Timely Assessment

Collecting data that helps identify health risk factors can facilitate the development of a strategic plan for mitigating health risks, improving retention, and supporting student success.

Do you use a campus-wide survey to collect data on student health status, risks, and behaviors?

[Source: College Student Journal]

Timely Assessment

Personal health literacy is the degree to which individuals can find, understand and use information and services to inform health-related decisions for themselves and others. Low health literacy is associated with poorer health outcomes and poorer use of health care services — a common problem for young adults.

Have you established initiatives that support and enhance student health literacy?

[Source: National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health]

Timely Assessment

Student health directly impacts student retention. The dropout rates for students with diagnosed mental health issues range from 43% to as high as 86%, according to survey data.

Have you experienced a negative impact on retention as a result of poor student health and well-being?

[Source: National Academies]

Timely Assessment

Healthcare services and access to care are critical components of campus engagement. In one survey, 65% of college students identified walk-in health centers as critical to their success.

Do you provide on-campus health care services?

[Source: National Alliance on Mental Health]

Timely Assessment

How would you rate the quality of health care being provided on campus?

Timely Assessment

What is the average wait time to see a health care provider? (Select one)

Timely Assessment

Do you provide 24/7 health care support either on-campus or via telehealth?

Timely Assessment

In the past 12 months, has the demand for health care ever exceeded on-campus provider capacity to an unacceptable level?

Timely Assessment

In 2019, nearly 90% of counseling center directors reported an increase in students seeking services. And TimelyCare data shows that student demand for mental health care nearly quadrupled in fall 2021.

Do you provide on-campus counseling services?

[Source: The Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors, TimelyMD

Timely Assessment

How would you rate the quality of mental health care provided on campus?

Timely Assessment

What is the average wait time to see a mental health provider? (Select one)

Timely Assessment

Do you provide 24/7 mental health support either on-campus or via telehealth?

Timely Assessment

In the past 12 months, has the demand for urgent mental health care ever exceeded on-campus provider capacity to an unacceptable level?

Timely Assessment

Working with college students to adopt new, healthier habits can help them avoid serious health problems and increase academic performance. For example, students with better sleep habits are found to have higher course grades and grade point averages.

Do you provide health coaching on-campus or remotely?

[Source: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education]

Timely Assessment

How would you rate the quality of health coaching provided on campus?

Timely Assessment

What is the average wait time to see a health coach? (Select one)

Timely Assessment

Do you provide 24/7 health coaching either on-campus or via telehealth?

Timely Assessment

In the past 12 months, has the demand for health coaching ever exceeded on-campus provider capacity to an unacceptable level?

Timely Assessment

We’d like to share resources and best practices that will help you positively impact student health, engagement and retention.

To access your campus health and well-being score please provide your contact information.

Timely Assessment


Thank you for your response. These insights into your campus health and well-being services will help us better understand your school’s challenges. Based on these insights, we will provide expert recommendations and best practices that will help improve student health.

Your campus' health and well-being score is:

| 100


The health and well-being of students on your campus could use extra support. By expanding access to care and improving health literacy, your campus can improve student health, engagement, and retention.

A member of our team will reach out with an opportunity to discuss how to improve your campus health and well-being score..


There may be gaps in the health and well-being services that your campus provides students. By expanding access to care and improving health literacy, your campus can improve student health, engagement, and retention.

A member of our team will reach out with an opportunity to discuss how to improve your campus health and well-being score.


Student health and well-being are top priorities for your campus. However, there may be opportunities to expand access to care, improve health literacy, and show students your commitment to their well-being and success.

A member of our team will reach out with an opportunity to learn how to enhance your campus health services.